Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane: Bristol, England, UK

Not quite sure what ‘Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane’ are all about? Find out here how they started.

From Seattle’s Glass to Bristol’s Street Art — let me take you to the place the England-based street artist Banksy called his home for ten years in the late 90s, a place he appears to revisit once in a while, leaving new art work behind when he does.

The latest addition (at the time of writing this) was spotted in December (2020) on Vale Street in Totterdown, England’s steepest residential street which already drew attention with its roughly 22-degree gradient incline offering the perfect site for cyclists to test their limits, or to put on an annual Easter egg race amongst locals hoping to beat the distance their parked cars occasionally cover when not tied to a lamp post — quite a sight in the winter apparently.

On top of such healthy competition, the street now also features an elderly lady losing her dentures while sneezing. Any guesses on the title of the mural? Nothing elaborate, just a simple ‘Aachoo!!’

UPDATE: The mural was removed in March 2021 but here what you would have been looking for: Banksy Grafitti Aachoo!

While Bristol offers various Banksy tours to find all the spots where he expressed his creativity, I thought I’ll just show you what I came across when aimlessly wandering the city streets offering surprises around every corner, Banksy or not. But yes, I might have come across one of his pieces as well — it’s quite scandalous, can you spot it?

If graffiti is not your cup of tea or you’re curious what else Bristol has to offer, here a few other things to check out while in town:

One thing not included, as it might have gone beyond our daily time limit 😉, and I actually did not get to do it myself yet, but when going to Bristol for a weekend, it might be worth popping over to Bath (only a 15 min train ride away) for some Afternoon Tea at Sally Lunn’s Historic Eating House & Museum. It’s the oldest house in Bath (c.1483) and home of the famous Sally Lunn Bun, the original Bath Bun. Not to be confused with the London Bath Bun apparently, whereby the latter is small, heavy and sweet, unlike Sally’s which is only semi-sweet… noted!

Makes you pile on the pounds just reading about it, so better keep walking! Let’s see what I can come up with for our next stroll — still open for suggestions, just comment below or drop me a note via my contact form.

Until then, I hope Bristol might have provided some further inspiration what else to look out for when walking your way through lockdown, especially as a city dweller. Chances are low, but I might even have a look what my hood has to offer graffiti-wise.

Either way, thanks for your company while exploring Bristol and hopefully see you again on our next walk down memory lane! 🎨🎒🙋‍♀️

When was I there? With you, today . . . on my own on 13-14 April 2019

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