Red Light… Hi Stranger*: A Springy Cycle Around Town

How amazing was last weekend, guys?! Spring’s finally on its way after a terribly long lockdown winter and the difference it makes is just surreal. You can finally spot more people out and about again who have been hiding away during the cold and grim days. The parks are coming back to […]

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Walking the North Downs Way Section 5: Oxted to Otford

Kentish Man or Man of Kent — any luck figuring out the difference (after finishing the previous section)? There are actually a few definitions floating around. The most common one is linked to the River Medway. If born West of the country’s main river, you were a Kentish Man, while […]

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Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane: Surrey, England, UK

Another month of lockdown done, which also brings our walks down memory lane to an end. I wish I could say I planned this but full disclosure, it kind of just happened. Initially, I felt very ambitious and wanted to post one story a day while self-isolating (10 days, 10 posts) to distract myself and […]

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Lockdown Vacation: Food for Thought in These Travel-less Times

One week of lockdown done, a few more to go I’m sure, so plenty of Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane still coming your way for distraction. Today though, I’d like to share something else to ponder about for two reasons. Firstly, I don’t know how you feel, but walking through all these wonderful locations […]

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UK Lockdown 3.0: Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane

Here we go again — the UK has now officially entered Lockdown 3.0. So, time to lace up those shoes and get walking. Let’s bring back those lockdown walks! I’m sure you know what to do, we’ve been here before after all. But if you do need a little reminder, some inspiration, or could do […]

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Walking the North Downs Way Section 2: Guildford to Westhumble

Welcome back to the NDW, or hello again if you’re a long-legged fast walker doing section 1 and 2 in one go. If so, hold your horses, I’ll be with you in a second. First, a little note on logistics: As these are linear walks (starting and finishing in different places), you might want to […]

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Walking the North Downs Way Section 1: Farnham to Guildford

Welcome to the North Downs Way, a national trail that will lead you through the beautiful English countryside and some quaint little villages. It’ll offer magnificent views and fascinating heritage — overall, a rather grounding experience which might provoke some epiphanies and bit of laughter along the way […]

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