A Run, a Song, a Memory: Dancing the Night away in Port Douglas

“Save tonight, fight the break of dawn…,” she was singing, her body dancing along with the soft tune that was travelling through the evening breeze, offering some relief from the heat that was slowly pushing down on us as the day came to an end.

“…come tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be gone.” Her gorgeous curly hair was bouncing with the beat, framing her little face, smiling ear to ear, eyes almost closed, letting the music take the lead. As I turned to my right, I noticed that Nat, my partner in crime, was watching the same little girl that caught my attention. I could see a little twinkle in Nat’s eye as she was following the girl’s every move while twirling around the dance floor, she had the same big smile on her face, her head swaying along with the music, resonating utter content.

It felt like the perfectly happy little girl and her joyous dance was in some way encapsulating the whirlwind of a trip we just finished and were processing while having a quiet drink in Port Douglas where we spent a few days before having to return back to reality. And what a trip it was, two weeks on a bus travelling along the East Coast of Australia, from Sydney all the way up to Cairns, a trip of a lifetime packed with activities and experiences which would take weeks to wrap our heads around and fully appreciate.

I actually can’t remember if we were dancing ourselves before watching this little girl dancing the night away. That moment when Nat’s and my eyes met, acknowledging the joy in each other faces as we were processing the fantastic time we had together as well as a hint of sadness knowing that it was about to come to an end, stayed with me and returns every time I hear that song. Be it the original or remix, automatically, that memory comes back to life.

Have a listen if you like, original, sleepy remix, dancy remix, any of those do the trick for me: 🎶“Save tonight, fight the break of dawn. Come tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be gone…”🎶

It might be a love song but in some way perfectly describes that evening when both of us were trying to hold on to the last few moments of our Australian adventure, the heat, the nature, the people, everything came together in that little moment as we were sitting in that outdoor bar with live music playing, birds chirping in the background as the night drew to a close, crickets taking their place, their tune carrying us home after we left the bar and walked the empty and yet lively streets of Port Douglas. Empty of people, but full of sounds, smells and emotions as we were processing all the wonderful experiences we got to have while exploring this beautiful country.

I mentioned cherishing the little moments before, whereas it can be new ones to look out for, but also old ones to let back in, be it through pictures, certain foods, smells, or sometimes music that can be connected to seemingly insignificant moments at the time, carrying a lot of meaning once all the excitement of travel faded away. That song came on while running the other night and I could picture it all over again, I could feel the joy of having just had the best time ever, as well as the slight disappointment for it to be over soon, us fighting the break of dawn.

I guess I definitely owe you more stories on my Australian endeavours now, which were incredibly varied as the picture collage hopefully shows wherefore I’m not quite sure yet how to go about it — Individual moments or full itinerary? Based on activity or based on region? Decisions, decisions?! — so I thought I share this little story as assurance there’s more to come, while giving a little cheerful shoutout to my lovely travel buddy who’s also about to become another year wiser and stronger, and whom I can’t wait to see, hug and, of course, travel with again, wherever it may lead us! Many many more moments like this to come, and I have no doubt the soundtrack will be divine!! 🎶💃🎶🕺🎶

On that note, and yes, pun totally intended, do you have a special song that takes you back to a certain moment in time? And if so, when did you last listen to it?

When were we there? 5-25 February 2015

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