Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane: Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland, UK

Oh, hi there — fancy meeting you here! How did you know I’d pop over to Ireland for my first lockdown 3.0 walk? Did the shoes give it away? Which shoes you ask? The ones on my homepage banner, silly.

I figured what best place to start our walks down memory lane than finally revealing what offered the beautiful natural pattern in that picture, an ancient natural phenomenon which I hope will leave you in awe as well, and should definitely be added to your future travel list if you haven’t been there yet.

I know, dangerous business raising your expectations rather high with such claims, but I think you won’t be disappointed, cause today, we’re going to follow in the footsteps of giants, the footsteps of Ireland’s Finn McCool and Scotland’s Angus Benandonner to be precise. Okay, slight disappointment maybe, they are no longer around — sorry ladies, no tall men on the agenda today. But they left behind a rather impressive sight that might still get your head spinning. Shall we have a closer look? Let’s go:

Fancy more mythical stories involving giants, rocks and other things? Head over to my Isle of Skye travel story while I figure out where we can go on our next lockdown walk. Hope to see you there! 🥾🎒🙋‍♀️

Fashionable Bonus

Apparently, the giant’s boot got competition that day as it was yet another trip when I was asked about my slightly weathered travel companions. We have covered quite some ground together, wherefore I’m not too upset when asked more often where they are from rather than my humble self — no wonder they ended up on my homepage banner. So, for the ones that are curious about those photogenic turquoise trainers as well, here what you’re looking for.

Old meets new — a shoe that weathers with you…

My favourite thing about them: No laces — which apparently baffles quite a few people. Not sure how many times I’ve also been asked how it works, how they stick to my feet? I usually say it’s magic but you might have guessed it, there’s an elastic band under the tongue. Just like the Causeway, a less entertaining explanation I assume, so let’s stick with magic, shall we?

They are currently unavailable I think, possibly because I already worked through multiple pairs, my apologies, but they do come in other colours as well — a friend of mine is sporting some blue ones these days. So yea, I hope you find some you like and maybe you can share a picture if you do end up getting your own? If you make it to the Causeway, I might even change my banner, who knows.

No matter what shoes you are wearing though, do send me some pictures if you end up going and let me know what you thought, just comment below or find me on social media.

When was I there? Today, obviously 😉 . . . in person on 24 August 2019

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