Nine Month Anniversary: Taking Inventory of Things (Un)Done

Nine months ago today, I launched this website to stay upbeat throughout these travel-less times by sharing some of my travel memories and recent shenanigans to convince you as well as myself that sometimes you don’t have to go far for a little adventure or two.

Four months ago, the Go London Hiking team took me in and gave me the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for the outdoors with other happy hikers in person, basically turning my virtual into actual walks whilst kicking off a hike leader journey that probably already begun a year ago when I spontaneously signed up for that wild camping weekend in the Lake District, I just didn’t realise it back then. Mainly seeing it as mountainous catalyst for my website endeavour, it also made me proficient in the use of a compass, a tent, and that infamous trowel — the latter offering a great story; the former prepping me for another journey to unfold when the time was right.

Two weeks ago, I completed the first hurdle of such journey by passing my Lowland Leader Assessment in Wigginton, a quaint little village in the Chilterns that has much more to offer than deliciously frothy Cappuccino and Apple Strudel, but when in Rome…

…a place I mentally probably should have stayed in for a little bit longer instead of going straight into researching and planning the next hike leader goal, one which comes with a few more hurdles to overcome, or mountains to climb if you will. Instead of giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done, I immediately focused on all the things ahead of me as well as all the things I didn’t do in the meantime — and yes, I have not forgotten about you, my lovely readers! Neglecting my website was probably one of the main failures on my mind whilst working through other aspects of my life.

Did I mention that I also moved house one month ago? If you’ve been following along from the start, I decided to move closer to my coastal family and now call Peacehaven my home, and believe it or not, I’ve only been in the water once so far!?! It’s been a very busy time indeedy.

To continue the timeline of unacknowledged achievements within a very short timeframe hoping that my brain will finally compute them as such, I opted for a car two days ago, another life changer that came with the new territory and future outdoor ambitions — one that hopefully will bring many more adventures your way, …once I’m fully settled in and gave myself some of those pats on the back, something we don’t do often enough these days.

To put another spin on the lack of website posts, I’d like to believe that it might have also been the journalist in me that decided to keep shtum throughout the last few weeks and not partake in something that’s called the ‘silly season’, or even better yet if a master of the German language, ‘Saure-Gurken-Zeit’ 🥒, a ‘news-less’ time of the year leading the press to focus on trivial matters, usually during the late summer — I might have been a bit early on that front, but heyho, that’s the overachiever for you. 😉

With that in mind, join me in taking a little breather, let’s quietly acknowledge the achievements we quickly forgot about, let’s pat those backs, have another cuppa and strudel, and enjoy the summer while we’re at it! ☀️🌊👙🏝⛱

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