Six Months of Travelling — Done: Where to Next?

“If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.” — Jane Austen …another quote that was ‘gifted’ to me this year and could not have been chosen any better as it appears to be something I lived by ever since I first left my hometown to explore […]

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A Run, a Song, a Memory: Dancing the Night away in Port Douglas

“Save tonight, fight the break of dawn…,” she was singing, her body dancing along with the soft tune that was travelling through the evening breeze, offering some relief from the heat that was slowly pushing down on us as the day came to an end “…come tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be […]

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Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane: Vancouver, Canada

Welcome back, my fellow travellers and lockdown walkers! I’m afraid today is going to be the penultimate walk, and even worse, the last one abroad before bringing it back home for number 10, walk number 10 that is, but I guess we’ve been following government restrictions down to a […]

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Lockdown Walks Down Memory Lane: Mount Pinatubo, Philippines

Not quite 82 summits but the 40th birthday of another dear friend of mine did lead to a mini adventure which I would like to share on today’s lockdown walk down memory lane. That one also fits a bit better into our allocated time window not necessarily leaving much room for a feat such as […]

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