It’s My Party and I Hike If I Want to: A Surprisingly Perfect (Birth)Day in Wanaka, New Zealand

White chocolate-macadamia nut? Ginger snap? Double-chocolate? Oh boy, I’m not sure I can decide having pondered about what flavours they might have for the past 20 minutes…

Glued to the edge of my seat, the movie was just about to take another turn as the scent of freshly baked cookies filled my nostrils. Intrigued, I had a look around where it might be coming from, not necessarily being a smell you’d expect floating around a movie theatre. Did we have a mighty home baker in the audience who actually managed to trap that delicious scent when boxing them up? Impossible, as it was not just the sweetness but also warmth and gooeyness my nosey nostrils picked up when taking another whiff even detecting a hint of freshly-brewed coffee in the mix, and it all seemed to be coming from the doors.

As I turned back around to focus on the movie, attempting to ignore whatever might be happening out there, I felt someone edging closer to me while the lights slowly came on, and the movie to an unexpected halt. Gwen happily whispered in my ear, “Intermission time, something else this theatre is known for. I hope you like cookies and coffee?”

Mt Iron, with 545 metres above sea level, the highest point in the immediate vicinity of Wanaka and a great example of a ‘roche moutonée’ (or sheepback, of course, being in New Zealand) — a hill shaped by glacial action.

Do I? How can I not after being tantalised with those tempting scents for what seemed like eternity?! And now, stood at the counter, I felt like a little kid in a candy store, not sure what to go for, ideally wanting it all. Luckily, Gwen and Malcolm, her other half, came to my rescue again and offered to get one of each to share — the best way to go and perfect conclusion of a day that did not show much promise at first.

In fact, it was a day I was slightly dreading. I was in the middle of a trip through New Zealand, we were touring the South Island by then, and it was my birthday. Best place to be for such occasion some might say, and I would totally agree, especially as we stopped in Wanaka that day, which still embodies that untouched feel some of the bigger places such as Queenstown have lost as popularity and therefore tourist numbers grew. Wanaka still felt like a sleepy little town on the other side of the world when we were there. One of my favourite places on the trip I’d say, so yes, technically perfect for a birthday, but unfortunately, it wasn’t just any birthday. It was the first time I had to celebrate it on my own.

Ironically, I was on a Stray bus trip, surrounded by people. I was travelling a beautiful country, made new friends along the way, even picked up a lovely travel companion, but the person I usually celebrated with, even if from afar, was no longer around, and I was not quite sure how to honour the day for both of us. Like most of the time when not quite sure what to do, I ended up going for a walk.

“Not all those who wander are lost,” they say, and so does the cover of a notebook a friend of mine gave me for my birthday this year — clearly that person knows me quite well by now.

Back then in Wanaka, I decided to pay Mount Iron a visit, a hill we passed by the day before, the highest point in the area, perfect place for a little wander. I packed my bag the night before, so I could quietly sneak out in the morning without having to discuss my plans for ‘my big day’ — one of the things I was dreading not having an answer and unsure where my thoughts would take me if confronted. So, off I went, my backpack being my only companion for the day. He was carrying the walking snacks while I tried to navigate my way through the messy thoughts and emotions.

It was early in the morning but you could already tell it was going to be a lovely day. The sun was shining, blue skies all around, and Mt Iron ahead of me. It wasn’t much of a climb, but being outside at dawn, breathing the fresh air, having the sun slowly warming your skin, just you and the elements, had a rather calming effect. A light breeze picked up the higher I went. It carried the voices of other early visitors who appeared to have the same idea. I didn’t mind too much though, distracted by the view that was slowly unfolding behind me.

‘On a clear day you will see Lakes Wanaka and Hawea, the Cardrona Valley, the Upper Clutha Basin and the mountains of Mount Aspiring National Park,’ an info board stated at the beginning of my walk, and a clear day it was indeed.

Halfway up, I found a bench slightly off the trail. I sat down for a little while to take it all in before getting to the top where other morning hikers were probably doing the same given the cars I spotted in the parking lot on the way in. The sun was really going for it that day, which was a pleasant surprise as the majority of our trip was marked by rainfall. I actually used to describe that trip as an authentic New Zealand experience, giving us a true taste of the country, and explaining why it’s such a haven for sheep given those juicy well-watered meadows everywhere. That day though, no rain clouds appeared to be on the agenda, the sun took over offering warmth and far-reaching views, views that made you realise that you’re just a tiny speck in this vast landscape, a short-lived inhabitant of this grand universe — might as well embrace every little moment you get while still there, something my birthday twin would have surely agreed with.

With that in mind, I soaked up the sun and views for both of us, ventured to the top, where as expected, I ran into other early visitors whose awe-struck faces were a welcome sight, and so were their morning greetings as we shared our admiration for this place and its vistas. Fascinated by the vastness of the lakes in front of us, those deep blue shiny carpets covering the valley grounds, only occasional reflections of light indicating some movement, it became clear where my little wander would lead me next.

As I descended Mt Iron, I could already feel a little shift in my sentiment about the day, something other hikers appeared to pick up as they joyfully greeted me while making their way to the top, and I happily returned the favour knowing they were in for a treat, a moment of pure bliss that will refuel their spirit if needed. Clearly, I was due for a little top up, as well as a bit of exercise to work through those dark thoughts that clouded my morning.

Once I made it to Lake Wanaka, it felt like a completely different day than the one I started. I found a little spot to sit down, watched kids playing in the water, some feeding the ducks splashing about, always the best sight I think, especially if you get a glance of their proud little faces searching for their parents’ approval when such feeding efforts reap success, a joyful moment prompting both parties to smile from ear to ear. You usually can’t help it but have to join in.

As I was enjoying the playful scenes, daydreaming for a little while, appreciating that very moment, I felt a hesitant tap on my shoulder — I got company, something I was trying to avoid in the morning but gladly welcomed by then.

It was my travel companion Annie whom I met in the Australian outback. Travelling rather light herself, we decided to continue our journey together for a little while. I could tell right away that she felt like she might have been interrupting as I hardly felt the tap at first. I did disappear without a word in the morning after all, a very unusual thing to do for a birthday girl I assume, so her radar was definitely not off. But luckily, she found me after my somewhat transforming wander around Wanaka making me greet her with a big ol’ smile potentially putting those kids to shame, but still leaving room for more as my day of surprising encounters was not quite over yet.

Annie sat down next to me, we watched the world go by, the sun slowly disappearing behind the mountains in the distance, the last rays of the day letting sparkles dance all over the lake, a subtle light show seemingly put on just for us as the sounds of kids playing slowly disappeared. The white shimmer of the lake turned into a red glow as a new spectacle started to unfold in the sky. Vibrant clouds started drifting by, the last signs of the sun, before everything fell into darkness. With the sun gone, people vanished, and so did every movement in the water, its stillness creating an eerie atmosphere making you wonder what might lie underneath, a dark thought sending shivers down your spine.

Not quite doing it justice, so go with the picture you created in your head, I will as well. 🙂

Time to move on we thought and check out what truly swims through those waters, preferably in a fried state Annie suggested as we walked over to a fish and chip shop where she invited me to a birthday dinner, an unexpected treat I truly enjoyed, especially after having had a little chat with the shop owner what fish to go for, I think Hoki was the final verdict, and it was well tasty.

Full of glorious views and delicious food, we went back to the hostel where I was ready to retire after a surprisingly joyous day, but Annie told me not to jump into my PJs just yet as a couple we met on our bus journey were looking for me as well. Funnily enough, we ended up running into them on our way back and well, they told me to grab a jacket and meet back at the entrance in half an hour as they wanted to take me out for another treat — I couldn’t quite believe it. Here I was thinking this would be the worst day of all but clearly that walk shifting my very own outlook, also made quite a change to things happening around me. They do say you get back what you send out, and well, I guess me standing on Mount Iron that morning, letting my torn feelings dwindle down into the valley, somehow encouraged the whole town to turn this day into a success. And it truly was. Did I mention that I even received some birthday cards? On a tour bus, imagine that!?

To return to the opening scene though, the final surprise was a movie night at Cinema Paradiso, a family-run business with a special touch, or rather flavour, playing a fantastic movie that night, one I came across again the other day bringing back that lovely memory, the cookie scents wafting through the doors just before intermission, the comfortable sofa I was curled up in, Hugh Jackman pulling all the tricks to entertain us, being the greatest showman after all. Gwen, Malcom and I sipping our freshly brewed coffees, munching down our cinema snacks, simply having the best time ever. It was a birthday with strangers but may I say, I never felt that much at home before.

The movie theatre you need to visit when in town, a little retro paradise, a paradiso indeed.

On that note, cheers to my travel buddies who truly made that day — I hope you’re well wherever you are, and until we meet again! And it might not be today but cheers to my birthday twin whom I still miss dearly, especially on our special day on which I still would like to give him a call, wish him all the best and enjoy the little pause that usually occurred once I uttered those words making him terribly proud and at the same time forget that it’s mine as well. I do miss reminding him, but shall carry that little memento wherever I’ll be in the world on that day.

To wrap it all up, I may say a final cheers to all our loved ones, as well as the strangers around us, who might not be as strange us you think, who can actually make your day if you let them. There’s nothing wrong with taking a little time-out to work things through, to think your thoughts, and feel your feelings. Make sure to eventually come back though, to open yourself up again for people around you, who knows what might happen once you do. As for me, I’m glad to be back and am looking forward to continue sharing my latest shenanigans and travel memories with you.

Before I do though, I’m afraid I have to run to the shops real quick. All this reminiscing made me wanna have another movie night, cookie intermission and all. What’s your go-to flavour? And more importantly, your favourite movie? Comment below or send me a note via my contact form — I’m curious to hear what movies send you down memory lane?! 🎬🍿🍪☕

When in Town…

…you might also want to check out Wanaka’s Puzzling World. Sounds terribly dorky at first, and trust me, it is, but even the ones that weren’t jumping with joy when it was added to our itinerary found themselves trying all the mind-boggling table puzzles made freely available at their café. Besides that, you can give their multi-level outdoor maze a whirl, check out their optical illusion rooms, some of them offering rather interesting photo ops, and not to forget, you get to hold up the Leaning Tower of Wanaka. If that doesn’t tempt you, I don’t know what will.

When was I there? 5 March 2018 . . . a day on which 32 years prior, a man got out of bed to go for a little wander between 12 and 1am, as you do on your birthday. Unbeknownst to him, his daughter was somewhat busy in a hospital room that night — I was born at 00:35 . . .

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